He mostly selected the grand pattern of Amati for his model, which gave him full scope for the exercise of his powers. He selected wood as nearly as possible resembling that found in the works of Niccolò Amati. The backs are mostly of even grain, and compact; the modelling can only be found fault with near the purfling, where its sharpness at once catches the attention of the critic in these matters, and divulges the true author. The varnish, though good, is not equal to that of Amati. The scroll is inferior to the body in merit. The purfling is of whalebone, like that of most of the Dutch makers.

JACOBS, ——, Amsterdam, probably a son of the above. Excellent varnish, of a deep red, very transparent; full of character, but wanting in finish. Purfling embedded.

JACQUOT, Charles, born at Mirecourt in 1804. Worked in Paris. He obtained prizes for his instruments at the Paris and other exhibitions.

JACQUOT, Pierre Charles, Nancy, son of the above.

JEANDEL, P. N., born in 1812. Worked for some years in Paris, and received prizes at the Paris and other exhibitions. He died in 1879.

KOLIKER, ——, Paris, 1789-1820.

LAMBERT, Jean Nicolas, Paris, about 1745.

LAPAIX, ——, Lille, about 1855.

LAPREVOTTE, Etienne, Paris, 1825-56.

LECLERC, ——, Paris, about 1775.

LECOMTE, ——, Paris, 1788.

LEDUC, Pierre, Paris, 1646.

LEFEBVRE, ——, Amsterdam, about 1730.

LEFEBVRE, ——, Paris, 1788.

LE JEUNE, François, Paris, 175-.

LE PILEUR, Pierre, about 1754.

LESCLOP, François Henry, Paris, 1746.

LOUIS, ——, Geneva.

LOUVET, Jean, Paris, 1750.

LUPOT, Jean, Mirecourt.

LUPOT, Laurent, Mirecourt, born 1696. Son of Jean Lupot, removed to Plombières, afterwards to Luneville, and again to Orleans.

LUPOT, François, born 1736. Son of Laurent. Born at Plombières. In the year 1758 he removed to Stuttgart, and was appointed maker to the Duke of Wurtemberg. François removed with his son Nicolas to Orleans in 1770. He died in Paris in 1804. The workmanship and style are similar to those seen in the instruments of Chappuy and other makers of that period. Scroll rather rough, varnish dark brown, broad pattern.